The brief I was given for this lovely trial wedding bouquet was quite simple, design a posy shaped bouquet to include Tulips, nothing too flashy, to go with a very beautiful dark haired bride Christina and her "Gorgeous" Groom Steve who is strawberry blonde, their bridesmaid's will be wearing Teal and the Wedding is in April.
I wanted to include some softer tones to compliment Steve's colouring, the Vendella Roses do this perfectly, this bouquet is very obviously a Spring bouquet with some lovely fragrant Bridal Crown, the "Snow Lady" Tulips and delicate wisps of Ginesta Broom.
I have included some Teal Bullion spheres and Teal coloured Pearl pins to pick up the shade of Beridesmaids Gown.
Here is a link to another wedding with Teal Bridesmaid's gowns Anna & Darren