Jason and I intended to go down on the train, check in on Rebecca, make sure she’s eating properly and all those other “mumsy” things I am by instinct and maternal devotion trained to spot, “mither” and nag about.
The idea of course was to have a little break an "Afda" (A few days away to coin a Ganleyism). But we should have known, prepared and infact trained better for this whirl wind tour of our capital.
Rebecca is not a girl known for her patience, her desire for peace and quiet is non existent, so when we arrived at Euston at 11:00 last Sunday having been awoken by the alarm at 5:00, we pictured ourselves checking in at the Hotel, enjoying a leisurely lunch, then back to the hotel, little nap before The X Factor final and finishing off with long luxurious sleep with a bit of a lie in to follow.
Not too much to ask eh? The lunch was truly spectacular at my favourite restaurant in the entire world, St John it looks un-assuming, but honestly the food is wondrous, we all had, as we always do, such creatures of habit, the Bone Marrow Salad, it should be one of those things you have to do before you die! Roasted Guinea Fowl and then a Pear & Treacle Pudding which was literally to die for.

We were woken at the crack of dawn to go to Roast at Borough Market for a splendiferous breakfast, Rebecca has been an enforced Veggie since she couldn’t afford to eat meat, she does however partake when we’re paying.

We plodded across the Millennium Bridge before hitting St Paul’s it cost £11.00 per adult to visit this beautiful Church so Jason took a bit of convincing.
Next stop Soho for tea at Yumchaa I love their Regent Park & Mango Sunrise blends, Jason prefers coffee so a trip to Flat White was in order before Oxford Street, loads of shops and shopping, by this time I’m seriously flagging but Rebecca’s still raring to go.
We visited various flower emporiums including the florist at Liberty and the one in Fortnum & Mason where I also purchased a brand new and more practical tea strainer for work.
By now of course we’re on Piccadilly and The Wolseley is calling me to rest my weary body and enjoy some proper English hospitality, it was superb as always and I was so sad to leave with my little box of left over goodies ready for the train.

On Tuesday Morning I awoke Refreshed & Revitalised!!!!!!!