He or she is your right hand, your assistant that also acts quite often as your manager and organiser.
This person knows everybody and everything.
You can depend on him or her: a good secretary.
Sometimes your secretary may be your much adored wife or husband who acts as your administrator in all areas of domestic and social management.
Presidents, managers and directors depend on their secretaries very much.
Of course they should show their appreciation for the excellent service that is provided every day.
Of course they should show their appreciation for the excellent service that is provided every day.
However, sometimes, because you are too busy or often away for business trips, you don’t realize how valuable your secretary is.
Therefore you need to remember Secretaries Day once a year, a day when you can show your appreciation with beautiful fresh flowers.
And all secretaries and wives love flowers!
And all secretaries and wives love flowers!
Remember Secretaries Day 16th April 2009 send her some flowers just ring the team at Flower Design 01253 727722 and organise a beautiful bouquet to be delivered tomorrow