Carey's Flowers First Post

I am sure when the Carey Family open the doors to the flower shop in 1912 not one of them could even dream of computers, no less than the internet and blogging. However here we are today starting our first family blog.We thought that perhaps giving out a family history would be a good place to start. From there we will move on to requested topics as well as ideas that come up along the way. We hope you enjoy Carey's Flowers bolg...

Pure's evening for Gorgeous Girls

This is the very "Lovely Jane" proprietor of “Pure Beauty” on St Albans Road, last night she hosted a wonderful evening of distraction, demonstration, libation and mastication. We had a superb evening and it appeared that everyone who is anyone was there (Russell Brand & Jonathon Ross couldn’t make it due to un-foreseen circumstances, but apart from them) including Janet Fenton/Heald. We sipped Champagne, viewed the amazing...

Halloween Window

Jo & Rachel designed this window display, Black, Purple & Orange were their chosen colours.Rachel with Jo's Wig on, Do Blondes have more fu...

Launch of Arrangement Competition...

Physalis Fire Cracker (Designed by Rachel)In my lovely warm cosy office/bridal suite I have a low coffee table, on the said coffee table I have a flower arrangement delivered to me from downstairs for my pleasure and delectation, these exquisite little beauties give me inspiration, remind me of the season and give me a view of fresh flowers whilst I plough through the piles of paper work that land on my desk week after week.Not...

Rebecca & Lee Parry, Wedding Day at Lytham Hall, 25th October 2008

The Bride and her party all left from The Rooms on Church Road, Jo & Jason thought that the calm, relaxed atmosphere was absolutely perfect for everyone, the decor is amazing too. What a wonderful Autumnal Wedding Day, for Lee & Rebecca, their ceremony and wedding breakfast were both at the very elegant Lytham Hall.This is Lee the Groom we made him a Boutonnière of a Hot Chocolate Cala lily, Black Baccara Rose and a...

"Credit Crunch Santa" takes a second job

Santa visited Flower Design on Saturday, amazingly he was advertising The Lindum's Christmas Parties, even Santa has had to take a second job to help make ends meet! Watch this space for some fabulous offers for Flower Design Customers and Rowleys Christmas Party Night...

Wedding Flower Planning for 2009 & 2010

Saturday, autumn/winter is upon us, what to wear? The decision is based largely around what has been ironed and what still fits, chestnut tweed skirt, cream polo neck, scarf Rebecca bought me last week from Camden (it had a strange smell so I doused it in Lime Basil & Mandarin).I have about four Saturdays a year when I don’t have weddings, so we fill them with appointments to see new brides who can’t come in during the week, I really enjoy these meetings and it’s great to hear ideas, plans, hopes and dreams, meet...

Rudding Park House Harrogate Wedding

Table Centre candelabras The Thoughts and Inspiration behind the designs for Heidi & Chris Hopkins…Heidi & Chris's Wedding day was all about elegance, understated opulence and traditional British values; this is shown in their choice of magical venue Rudding Park House in Harrogate, traditional cake maker Betty's of Harrogate and the elegance of Heidi's Alan Hannah, Thai silk gown, not to mention the table names taken...
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