The Inn at Whitewell Wedding & David Austin Roses

This is the very elegant wedding of Guy & Melanie, they were married at The Inn at Whitewell, 30th April 2009Melanie's bridal bouquet of David Austin Patience Roses, Dutch Avalanche & fresh Rosemary.Jenny's Bouquet of Amnesia & Metalina RosesMelanie and I had chosen a very simple and beautiful selection of Roses to create her wedding designs.We placed small posies of Patience & Metalina Roses on the windowsills.The...

Mother's Day

We thought you might enjoy some Mother's Day Trivia, Folk Customs, Myths and Fun Facts from Around the World .Rosa Parks was the mother of bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama that launched the Civil Rights Movement. Chinese family names are often formed (begin) with a sign that means "mother". It's a nice way of honoring their moms long past. The ancient Greeks celebrated Mother's Day in spring, like we do. They used to honor...

Books & Blinking Florist Bloggers

OK this posting isn't really about flowers it's more to do with blogging and the power of that medium and about the greatness of independently owned businesses doing their own thing....Elaine & Sue own Silverdell Book Store in Kirkham, it's a fabulous business, they get the most amazing authors for book signings and they organise lots of superb literary events.I read random books avidly, as many of you know I'm not a big...

English Country Garden Wedding Bouquet

A sweet scented trial wedding bouquet for Katie, I've included Lilac, Roses "Belle Rose", Peonies, Alstromeria & Calla lilies. We're thinking of using these lovely crystal cake stands on the dining tables with a small nosegay of fresh flowers on top. The shades are soft pastel with a nostalgic feel. I've arranged the bouquet in a very soft and relaxed style in keeping with the flowers themselves. I adore roses, they are...
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